Ortem APS 高级计划排程系统

DELMIA ORTEMS作为制造计划和详细生产排程解决方案的领先供应商提供基于敏捷制造概念的创新解决方案。借助于其强大的优化引擎,高效的动态生产协同模型和高质量的已获多家软件厂商认证的集成能力,Ortems可作为ERPMESPLM系统的理想补充。ORTEMS提供了动态的综合模型,集成了高性能的协同MRP技术,帮助客户确保在JIT生产环境中最佳客户服务水平



· 减少库存和资金占用

· 满足客户交货期

· 降低物料缺件

· 缩短生产周期

· 提高生产率

· 节省计划员的工作时间

· 实现更好的生产计划可视化

· ERP系统更好的集成(避免使用大量非系统化的非集成Excel表格导致信息失真

· 预测和模拟仿真,以支持正确的决策


ORTEMS software solutions ORTEMS软件解决方案 



· 主部件/组件 

· 预总装线

· 总装线 

· 维护修理服务 (MRO)


ORTEMS APS 解决方案涵盖了客户的六个领域

Integrated to PLM applications Digital Manufacturing, ORTEMS APS solutions are used to simulate line optimization for new aircrafts (for example aircraft moving line).PLM应用DM数字化制造)集成ORTEMS APS解决方案用于模拟并优化产品产线(例如飞机移动式装配线)。产线优化包括

· Line balancing for new products,新产品的产线平衡, 

· Sequencing tasks on the aircraft,装配任务排序 

· Team organization on the different steps,不同阶段的班组构成 

· Integrating new schedule in PLM Software for 3D layout and simulation.将新的排程与PLM软件3D布局和仿真集成 


Integrated to PLM (Product Design) & Digital Manufacturing solutions (Plant & Process Design), ORTEMS APS solutions enable Engineering-To-Order manufacturers to simulate long term planning scenarios .PLM(产品设计)和数字化制造解决方案(工厂和工艺规划集成工程制造(ETO)厂商可基于ORTEMS APS解决方案进行长期计划的场景模拟 

Based on the detailed manufacturing model of ORTEMS Manufacturing Planner, simulations of new product introduction or new projects enables planners to evaluate impact on current planning: 基于ORTEMS制造计划模块的详细制造模型计划员可高效评估新产品试产项目对当前计划的影响:

· Machines, labor & tools utilization is analyzed in different scenarios,不同场景下分析机器,人员工装的利用率

· New bottlenecks can appear with changes in product mix and capacity decisions can be anticipated,预测新的产品组合变化带来的新瓶颈(瓶颈漂移),提前做出产能决策,,

· Balancing load across different plants can be simulated,模拟不同工厂的负荷平衡

· Due dates of new projects can be calculated with more precision, and delays are avoided.更精确地计算新项目的交货期,避免延期

Thus more realistic strategic decisions on capital investments can be taken by management.,管理层可以采取更切实的战略和投资决策。 


Integrated to MES Software, ORTEMS APS solutions provide finite capacity constraint-based rescheduling & plant dispatching .MES软件集成,ORTEMS APS解决方案提供基于约束的有限产能计划重排工厂派工It includes :它包括 

· Interactive Graphical planning (Gantt Charts) for scheduler modifications like drag & drop,图形化交互的计划排程(甘特图),支持计划员拖拽式修改

· Taking into account production hazards like machine breakdown, material missing, quality issues,考虑多种生产异常如:机器停机物料短缺质量问题或需要额外工时

· Multi-resource scheduling engine for automatic re-optimization.自动优化多资源调度


Integrated to SAP MRP module, ORTEMS APS solutions cover Long Term Operation PlanningSAP MRP模块集成,ORTEMS APS解决方案覆盖长期销售运营计划 

This Long Term Planning enables manufacturers to take strategic and realistic decisions, based their forecasts, planned & firm customer orders, and its detailed manufacturing model.长期销售运营计划使制造商能够根据基于其销售预测,已计划或已确定的客户订单,结合其制造模式采取可行的战略性决策。Decisions taken are load balancing between plants, subcontracting part of the activities, and simulation of product mix evolution.所采取的决策包含:集团下各工厂间的负荷平衡委外分包,以及合理的产品系列切换



Integrated to SAP MRP module, ORTEMS APS optimizes Master Production Schedule.SAP MRP模块集成,ORTEMS APS优化主生产计划。 

In this Mid Term Planning, manufacturers want基于中期主生产计划,制造商详细分析计划和已确定的客户订单的生产可行性,订单交货期遵循情况并对产能做出调整。也基于他们能问题和市场变化快速响应,从而提高制造的敏捷性ORTEMS graphical planning capabilities enable detailed visibility of this plan, and fast decision making based on automatic optimization engines or interactive modifications by planners.ORTEMS图形化的计划能力使计划排程直观形象,凭借系统的自动优化引擎计划员交互式调整进行快速决策。 

Planners will analyze bottlenecks, managing product & multi-resource constraints, take decisions in a collaborative planning process, and share planning information & KPIs.计划员将基于ORTEMS分析瓶颈,管理产品和多资源约束,在协同的计划过程中做出决策,并共享计划信息和KPI 


Integrated to ERP Production and Project module, ORTEMS APS solutions are used for Detailed Scheduling . ERP生产和项目管理模块集成ORTEMS APS解决方案用于详细排程ORTEMS constraint-based, finite capacity scheduling engine offers to schedulers a realistic and executable schedule for the short term.

ORTEMS基于约束的有限能力排程引擎为计划调度员提供了一份符合实际可执行的短期作业计划。 Managing product, process & multi-resource constraints, schedulers have an easy to use, graphical scheduling tool and a configurable optimization engine, to react with agility to production issues.ORTEMS友好的图形化计划调度工具可配置的优化引擎,使计划调度人员可轻松管理产品,生产流程和多资源约束,对生产问题进行敏捷响应 



ORTEMS Agile Manufacturing Solutions™ is a suite of collaborative, best-of-breed Manufacturing Planning and Production Scheduling solutions that help companies realize substantial bottom-line results in record time.ORTEMS敏捷制造解决方案 一套协作的制造计划和生产排程解决方案 It gives proven best-of-breed capabilities to streamline manufacturing operations.它提供了经大量项目实践验证的最佳产品组合以简化制造运营,从制造计划到生产作业排程客户可基于该工具组合获得柔性和制造敏捷性以实现持续竞争优势。


The ORTEMS Agile manufacturing suite offers an integrated planning and scheduling complementary solution to ERP, MES and PLM.作为ERPMESPLM的补充,ORTEMS敏捷制造套件提供了一套集成的生产计划排程解决方案。Ortems' commitment in the Smart Factory approach for a more digital, connected, collaborative and agile production represents a key component for new MOM architectures.Ortems作为新一代制造运营管理(MOM架构的关键组成部分,致力于打造更加数字化的,互联的,协作的和敏捷的智能工厂解决方案 








Ortems MP制造计划 

如果Without an appropriate tool, medium- and long-term planning within a company often involves only a statistical leveling or an estimation resulting from demand analysis.没有合适的工具,公司内部的中长期计划往往只是静态的负荷平衡或基于需求分析进行的预估判断事实上,关于车间能力和生产需求的错误假定将导致计划和生产实际出现原则性的偏离,并由此导致生产计划的意义被质疑。

ORTEMS制造计划是新一代的生产计划工具It optimizes S&OP and MPS industrial processes, by synchronizing operational aspects with demand.通过按需协同生产运营的各个方面,以优化销售运营计划(S&OP)和主生产计划(MPS)。 


Plant Strategic and Tactical Planning工厂略与策略 

Based on the ORTEMS Manufacturing Planner (MP) and Synchronized Resource Planner (SRP) modules, ORTEMS' advanced manufacturing planning solution provides next-generation capabilities for manufacturing process optimization, including Manufacturing and Sales Plan and Master Production Schedule optimization.基于ORTEMS制造计划(MP)和同步资源规划(SRP)模块,ORTEMS先进的制造计划解决方案为制造流程优化包括销售运营计划以及主生产计划提供了一代工具。该The product combines a Work Order-based model, continuous-time bucket less planning and flow synchronization into an innovative approach to MRP that synchronizes the ERP in a global dynamic model.产品工单模型及连续时间的生产和物流计划协同归结到一套创新的MRP方法中,以其全局动态的模型与ERP系统进行同步。为工厂提供了无与伦比的、基于约束并考虑有限产能的库存控制和中长期生产计划。



• What decisions should be made in terms of resource capacity provisioning, outsourcing,在资源能力配置外包二者间采取何种决策

• What decisions should be made in terms of resource provisioning, outsourcing, shift changes, temp workers, etc.?在资源能力配置,外包,班次调整雇佣临时工等选项间采取何种决策 

• When to schedule Work Orders based on lead time to avoid delays or accumulating inventories?如何提前安排工单生产,以避免生产延期或库存堆积 

• How to smooth production load based on capacity and constraints?如何考虑产能和其他生产约束,平滑安排生产 

• How to synchronize multi-level material flows?如何同步多BOM层级物料流转

•  How to avoid generating a string of unsynchronized schedules?如何避免生成一串不同步的计划 

• How to analyze the impact of demand or manufacturing contingencies across the manufacturing process?如何分析制造过程中客户需求变更生产异常的影响? 

• What traceability across customer demand, production and procurement?如何追溯客户需求,生产和采购之间的信息 



• Announce and track reliable lead time through finite-capacity constraint-based planning通过基于约束有限产能计划提供并追溯可靠的生产提前期Improve customer service and meet lead time commitments

• 改善客户服务并满足交货承诺 

• Plan forward and control load variability提前规划控制负荷波动 

• Cut inventories through multi-level synchronization of material flows通过物的多BOM层级协同降低库存 

• Resynchronize production flows with optimal responsiveness to accommodate contingencies突发事件进行最佳响应Calculate needs and finite capacity in one computation loop重新同步生产流向

• 在一计算循环中同时考虑物料需求和有限产能 

• Optimize cycle time and reduce waste优化生产循环时间,减少浪费 

• Dynamic customer -to-supplier traceability从供应商到客户动态追溯 

• Just-in-time manufacturing时生产(JIT) 

• Reduce planning time减少计划员工作时间 



· Flow optimization 流向优化 

Aggregate or detailed constraints model (plants, shops, machines, workforce, tools, materials) 综合的或详细的约束模型(工厂,车间,机器,劳动力,工具,物料 

Aggregate or detailed continuous-time flow model (routing, bills of materials, inventories) 综合的或详细的连续时间的流向模型(工艺路线,物料清单,库存) 

Configurable and scalable supply-line and/or finished-product load smoothing strategy 可配置缩放的供应链接和成品负荷平衡策略

Automated management of MRP messages 自动管理MRP输出

· Responsiveness 快速响应能力

Numerous interactive change tools (drag & drop, splitting, manual smoothing, freezing, calibration, version change, interactive tracking, etc.) 众多的计划交互式调整工具(拖拽,拆分,手动平衡,冻结,调整,版本修改,交互式记录等) 

Instantaneous resynchronization and multi-level propagation 多阶BOM工单的一键快速同步 

Analysis of impacts, performance and alarms 分析计划的影响性能和报警 

Fast MRP and infinite what-if simulations 快速MRP展算和无限的what-if场景模拟 

· Visibility 可视化

Multiple analysis angles, multiple windows, chart displays and Gantt diagrams分析角度,多窗口,图表显示和甘特图 

Highlighting (family, project, program) & tracking (orders, production, supply), information captions, tags高亮显示(产品项目系列)和跟踪(订单,生产,供应),提示信息标签 

Continuous -time bucket less planning长周期连续时间段的计